Today we got some great masoners to do the tiles in the kitchen. The walls are so crooked, so if I would try doing it myself, I guess it would look awful. I am a bit handy, but I have never done tiling, and this was a challenge even for the pros. But they did a great job, and now you can se the result for yourself. Just look, no touching, it has to dry until tomorrow! ;)
Blogging about my life and things that interests me. Like renovation, diets, relationships, music, gadgets, alternative fashion, animals, training, tv-shows, makeup, science and technology.
Monday, 23 May 2011
Yes, this blog is a lot about my kitchen.. And I am sorry, but it is a big part of my life at the moment, as it is hell to live without. So I guess when it is finished, my blog will be more about other stuff.. Cooking for example.. Hehe.
Today we got some great masoners to do the tiles in the kitchen. The walls are so crooked, so if I would try doing it myself, I guess it would look awful. I am a bit handy, but I have never done tiling, and this was a challenge even for the pros. But they did a great job, and now you can se the result for yourself. Just look, no touching, it has to dry until tomorrow! ;)
Today we got some great masoners to do the tiles in the kitchen. The walls are so crooked, so if I would try doing it myself, I guess it would look awful. I am a bit handy, but I have never done tiling, and this was a challenge even for the pros. But they did a great job, and now you can se the result for yourself. Just look, no touching, it has to dry until tomorrow! ;)
Monday, 9 May 2011
Balcony in the dark.
Yes, at last we have our balcony back! This weekend we worked hard and cleaned out the temporary storagespace that was our balcony. This was where our old kitchen lived while we were building the new one. And just in time for the summersun-temperatures, we now have a nice balcony with a sofa and flowers.
Just take a look!
My boyfriend enjoying a nice place to smoke (not my intension, i hate smoking!) and we got some sunpowered lights for a cozy atmosphere at night.
Just take a look!
Not that big, but we now got a sunbed/sofa, and the sunshine from 12:00 and until it sets. |
I made two of these, with superpetunias, ivy and a stepmotherflower.. |
Cozy! |
And now, a little preview on the tiles we bought for the kitchen! What do you think? It will be on the long wall behind the sink and hotplates. It is matte with glossy markings.
Just love them.. |
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Yes, at last, after days of hard work, and thanks to my electritian we now have a working fridge and freezer. And even the stove is in place. Here are some pictures of the kitchen so far (have gotten some more drawers and stuff in plase now)
Here you see the sink, and where the stove and fridge will be. |
This we did today, installed the stove and fridge! |
At last i can store some food again! Really missed my milk.. :D |
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
I just have to share my newest gadget with you all. It is a Sureflap catflap. It has a chip-reader, and it reads the identity-chip the vet placed in the neck of my cats. I have programmed it to only let my cats in! No more worries about other cats coming into my flat and tearing the place down. And no more having to let them in and out all the time. Thank the gods for that, because my black cat, Anubis, has the most annoying meaows ever!! And he always wants to be where he is not, outside if he is inside, and the other way around. Almost needed a doorman just for him! Good thing the catflap takes care of that. And my cats are really good at using it, a bit cautious at first, but then they discovered it was freedom, and now they run in and out all the time.
It sits in our balcony-door. |
Anubis coming inside. |
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Good luck, and have an airy and clean nose!
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Not like this, no.. |
No, not the animal
rhino, but a plastic gizmo you use to rinse your nose with!
Yeah, ugh, I'm going to talk about slime and gore now, have to weigh up slightly for all the kitchen-building blogging.
Yeah, ugh, I'm going to talk about slime and gore now, have to weigh up slightly for all the kitchen-building blogging.
This has become my new
best friend, according to an ear-nose-throat specialist I was at
I'm struggling because of a blocked and runny nose, and have a number of polyps that clog my sinuses. This is some weird growths on the mucous membranes inside the sinuses, the scholars do not really know why it occurs, but they clog up the sinuses and make more mucus. Last resort is surgery, which I would prefer to avoid. So then I received a large regime with a whole shopping list of things I'm going to stuff up my nose. I am not particularly fond of the nasal spray, or just to blow my nose (all the mucus come just further up the nose and makes me clogged up, this apparently due to the polyps ..), so all this is completely new and unfamiliar (disgusting). First it was cortisone (pills) and nasal spray with cortisone. Since I got the nasal spray with sesame oil (?!) And some nasty drops to drip in my nose while I'm lieing, swinging my head back. And added to this I therefore rinse my nose several times a day with warm salt water by means of the nose-horn.
This is a really nice thing that actually help stuffy noses! It flushes in and out of the nose, and the salt water loosens up all the clogs. Just look forward to seeing all the weird things flowing out of your nose! Finally you can get out the lego blocks and peas you stuffed in there when you were a kid! I have heard from several directions (both physicians and the more alternative crowd) that this helps against colds and polyps, so remember putting in time to rinse your nose!
Instructions in norwegian here:'m struggling because of a blocked and runny nose, and have a number of polyps that clog my sinuses. This is some weird growths on the mucous membranes inside the sinuses, the scholars do not really know why it occurs, but they clog up the sinuses and make more mucus. Last resort is surgery, which I would prefer to avoid. So then I received a large regime with a whole shopping list of things I'm going to stuff up my nose. I am not particularly fond of the nasal spray, or just to blow my nose (all the mucus come just further up the nose and makes me clogged up, this apparently due to the polyps ..), so all this is completely new and unfamiliar (disgusting). First it was cortisone (pills) and nasal spray with cortisone. Since I got the nasal spray with sesame oil (?!) And some nasty drops to drip in my nose while I'm lieing, swinging my head back. And added to this I therefore rinse my nose several times a day with warm salt water by means of the nose-horn.
This is a really nice thing that actually help stuffy noses! It flushes in and out of the nose, and the salt water loosens up all the clogs. Just look forward to seeing all the weird things flowing out of your nose! Finally you can get out the lego blocks and peas you stuffed in there when you were a kid! I have heard from several directions (both physicians and the more alternative crowd) that this helps against colds and polyps, so remember putting in time to rinse your nose!
Good luck, and have an airy and clean nose!
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Kjøkken borte..
Her går det unna! Nå er kjøkkenet helt revet og gulvet står for tur. Det viste seg at det var vannskade under kjøkkenbenken, så er bra jeg skulle bytte gulvet også. Hvitevarene er nå frakoblet, og vi må leve i en tilstand av take-away og snyltemiddager. Eneste vi har beholdt er vannkokeren. Så vi kan leve på nudler også, om det blir knappt med økonomien. Det er bare å be oss over på middag!
Her kommer litt bilder av kjøkkenet, legg spesiellt merke til den grelle rosafargen som var på kjøkkenet før..
Her kommer litt bilder av kjøkkenet, legg spesiellt merke til den grelle rosafargen som var på kjøkkenet før..
Her stod kjøkkenet, og vannskaden kan sees i hjørnet. |
Her var det "plass" til et mini spisebord jeg aldri brukte, så nå blir det heller benkeplate over hele! |
Når vi ikke river kjøkken eller spiser på fancy (og ikke fancy) restauranter, sitter vi ofte her og koser oss forran pcene våre. Andre folk sitter og glaner på tv, vi sitter og spiller sammen. Da går det som regel i World of Warcraft. Den daglige surfinga og sporadiske blogginga foregår også her.
Her sitter vi og nerder skikkelig! |
Jeg hadde tenkt å blogge hver dag, men med kjøkkenet som maser, blir det ikke alltid tid til å blogge. Også er det jo begrensa hvor mye jeg kan skrive om oppussinga. Skal prøve å tenke ut noe artig til neste blogg-innlegg.
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Helga går alltid så fort, for det skjer som regel veldig mye på kort tid. Siden vi står midt i kjøkken-renoveringa, får jeg blogge litt om det. Det er litt av et prosjekt, søkte vel på lån for å pusse opp i september/oktober. Alikevel har det ikke skjedd så fryktelig mye enda. Siden jeg har bodd her i 6 år og ikke vært så flink å rydde ut av boden og sånnt, så blir det en del akummulert skrot. Jeg fant ut at jeg trengte en slagplan for å få oversikt over hva som faktisk måtte gjøres. I tillegg skulle jo kjæresten flytte inn, så trengte å gjøre litt plass til han og. Så planen ble seendes slik ut:
1. Rydde bod og gjesterom: Dette ble et hengerlass med skrot! Nå er det masse god plass i boden til å oppbevare kjøkkenting mens det pusses opp. Gjesterommet ble også gjort i stand så jeg og min kjære bruker dette som datarom der vi sitter vedsidenav hverandre på hver vår pc. (Veldig kos!) Benyttet også anledningen til å kaste en gammen skinnsofa som bare tok plass i stua.
2. Rive kjøkken (rørlegger påkrevd for stenging av rør): Det er her vi står nå, rør ble avstengt på torsdag, og vi lever nå som konger (papptallerkener og plastbestikk!) med bare vanntilgang på badet. Kjøkkenet skal rives i morra!!
3. Få skadedyrkontrollen til å sprøyte over hele kjøkkenet, for å være på den sikre siden.
4. Legge nytt gulv, male og evt ny vegg som må isoleres, samt div elektrikerarbeid som må gjøres før ting settes på plass.
5. Montere nytt kjøkken fra ikea, samt legge fliser på veggen.
6. Montere benkeplate med underlimt vask fra kvik (4-5 uker leveringstid!!) Her kommer også rørlegger inn, samt elektriker for å montere platetoppen og evt andre hvitevarer.
Da skal forhåpentligvis kjøkkenet mitt være klart for bruk og kakerlakkfritt! Gleder meg veldig!!
Slik ser det ut som jeg har tegnet det på ikea: Blir ikke samme gulv og vegg og slikt, og håndtakene skal være svarte.
1. Rydde bod og gjesterom: Dette ble et hengerlass med skrot! Nå er det masse god plass i boden til å oppbevare kjøkkenting mens det pusses opp. Gjesterommet ble også gjort i stand så jeg og min kjære bruker dette som datarom der vi sitter vedsidenav hverandre på hver vår pc. (Veldig kos!) Benyttet også anledningen til å kaste en gammen skinnsofa som bare tok plass i stua.
2. Rive kjøkken (rørlegger påkrevd for stenging av rør): Det er her vi står nå, rør ble avstengt på torsdag, og vi lever nå som konger (papptallerkener og plastbestikk!) med bare vanntilgang på badet. Kjøkkenet skal rives i morra!!
3. Få skadedyrkontrollen til å sprøyte over hele kjøkkenet, for å være på den sikre siden.
4. Legge nytt gulv, male og evt ny vegg som må isoleres, samt div elektrikerarbeid som må gjøres før ting settes på plass.
5. Montere nytt kjøkken fra ikea, samt legge fliser på veggen.
6. Montere benkeplate med underlimt vask fra kvik (4-5 uker leveringstid!!) Her kommer også rørlegger inn, samt elektriker for å montere platetoppen og evt andre hvitevarer.
Da skal forhåpentligvis kjøkkenet mitt være klart for bruk og kakerlakkfritt! Gleder meg veldig!!
Slik ser det ut som jeg har tegnet det på ikea: Blir ikke samme gulv og vegg og slikt, og håndtakene skal være svarte.
Mitt drømmekjøkken! |
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Today I tried Zumba at last. I have heard it is supposedly fun and good exercise to boot, and so it was! I got really exhausted! I must be in terrible shape since I have not been exercising for a year, and my Pulsewatch really do agree. I have a really fancy one, Polar FT80 witch can be syncronized with my computer so I get to see what my pulse have been doing while I was dansing my ass off. This is what my poor heart had to go through in 30 minutes of Zumba:
I dag har jeg endelig fått prøvd meg på Zumba! Har hørt at den skal være bra og morsom, og det var det søren meg også! Og jeg ble knallsliten. Nå skal det sies at kondisen min er på et all time low siden jeg ikke har trent aktivt på et år. Noe pulsklokka mi er enig i. Har en slik superfancy Polar pulsklokke (FT80) som synkroniserers med pcen, så jeg kan se hele pulsforløpet og masse annen info! Slik så denne zumba-halvtimen ut fra pulsklokka sitt ståsted:
Ja, jeg har en ekstremt høy maxpuls, tror den ligger nærmere 220. Men har alltid kunnet trene fint med puls på rundt 200, slitsomt ja, men det skal jo trening være. Ellers syntes jeg det blir kjedelig.
Noe som jeg ble positivt overraska over, er at Zumba ikke bare er latinamerikansk dans og musikk, men fra hele verden. Første sangen var så bollywood at jeg klarte ikke la være å glise mens jeg dansa på! Hver sang var fra et nytt sted i verden og dermed en ny dans, så henger man ikke alltid med, får man prøvd seg igjen på neste. Og en halvtime var perfekt for meg som skal prøve å komme i gang med treninga igjen, uten å drepe stakkars nakken min helt.
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
My first blog!
I started to blog in norwegian some time ago, and have decided to translate it to english, so more people can enjoy my blog.
Springtime came and I found visitors in my kitchen. Cockroaches!! The most nasty thing ever, and it would get worse.. It turned out they had come from my neighbour and when they redid their kitchen, the roaches moved over to my appartment over the airduct. The great battle against the evil roaches started, all the appartements in my part of the building had to get checked. I did not want to use my kitchen anymore, because I felt disgusted with all the roaches. So I turned to takeaway and fastfood.. (Can you imagine that combined with no exercise??)
2010 was a special year for me. I started out single, fresh kickboxer and had the world before me. Suddenly I got hurt while kickboxing, and got chronic pains in my neck. I had to stop training and use all my money on therapy. I realise I can no longer do any contactsport again..
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Nasty roaches! |
Then summer came, and something happened that made 2010 my best year so far! I met my wonderful boyfriend! I have lived on cloud 9 ever since, and no stormy clouds in sight so far! With this positive boost in my life, I gathered up strength to get a loan and get going with a total redoing of my kitchen!
My love and me! <3 |
So this is where I stand in 2011. The year I take everything lost back: My kitchen, my health, my appartment! I now live together with my dearest, and we will now start tearing the old kitchen down. I cant wait to get my new kitchen done, so I can start making a lot of delicious food. My boyfriend does not really have a clue to what I really can do in the kitchen, and I look forward to impress him a bit!
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