I just have to share my newest gadget with you all. It is a Sureflap catflap. It has a chip-reader, and it reads the identity-chip the vet placed in the neck of my cats. I have programmed it to only let my cats in! No more worries about other cats coming into my flat and tearing the place down. And no more having to let them in and out all the time. Thank the gods for that, because my black cat, Anubis, has the most annoying meaows ever!! And he always wants to be where he is not, outside if he is inside, and the other way around. Almost needed a doorman just for him! Good thing the catflap takes care of that. And my cats are really good at using it, a bit cautious at first, but then they discovered it was freedom, and now they run in and out all the time.
It sits in our balcony-door. |
Anubis coming inside. |